The Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
From The Font
"It is written in the prophets...”
In ancient Jewish religion, there wasn’t anything really like a Bible. There were “books of the Law” which consisted of what we would call the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and, later, Deuteronomy. But these “books” weren’t widely available and they were complicated by scholarly writings called “Midrash” which could only be understood by other experts. For ordinary folks, the law was summed up in about 600 bullet-point style rules that had to be followed... Most of these had to do with the temple and with the sabbath.
The day-to-day moral rules of the community were summed up by proverbs and folk wisdom and by the biographical stories of the patriarchs and prophets. At the time of Jesus, most people understood that their faith was an admixture of “The Law and the Prophets.” And they were mostly interested in the prophets.
So most of the sermons that would’ve been given in the synagogue or in the streets would have begun with this phrase, “as it is written in the prophets” or “in the prophet Isaiah...”
In modern Christianity, especially Protestant Christianity, that impulse to quote scripture as the beginning of any argument remains very strong. But one of the most interesting things that happens in the Early Church is the gradual move away from basing teachings on scripture.
In part, that’s because the New Testament didn’t really exist as a compiled whole until the 400s AD. But even more than that, it’s because Christianity, unlike Judaism, is not a religion based entirely on scripture. The Word of God is not the Bible, but the person of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the chief and most reliable revelation of Jesus Christ, but it is not the Word of God with a capital W. It’s only recently (~1968) that Catholics have used that phrase to refer to readings from the Bible and we are careful to say “the Word of the Lord” rather than the “Word of God.”
For the Jews, the scripture is the chief way that God communicates. For Christians, Jesus is that Way (and the Truth and the Life). And so it’s simply not necessary to ground every sermon or idea in the Bible. What is necessary is to ground all things in Jesus, Himself.
Thoughts from Fr. Ryan
We have a Holy Day of Obligation this week.
The Assumption of Our Lady doesn’t appear in the Book of Acts, but was widely kept as a vigil of prayer in the Early Church. The “Assumption” refers to the physical body of Our Lady being taken away from her tomb into Heaven in a way parallel to the way in which the body of Jesus was removed from His tomb. Jesus, of course, rose by His own power. Mary was resurrected not by her own will, but by Jesus.
Timewise, we’re just before the death of St James in Acts 12. When the time came for the Blessed Virgin Mary to die, tradition tells us that the Holy Spirit gathered all the Apostles together with her in Ephesus. In their presence, she died and was buried in a nearby tomb that St John had prepared. When they went the next day to tend the tomb and place more perfumes, her body was gone and the tomb smelled beautiful and the place was thereafter endowed with a special sense of peace.
The apostles and early saints understood that because Mary was free of both Original Sin and personal sin, the Lord preserved her from the indignity of lying in a tomb and that her body wouldn’t have decomposed anyway.
Immediately after the death and Assumption of Our Lady, the martyrdom of the Apostles began and the widespread growth of the Early Church kicked into high gear.
Also quite quickly, Our Lady began to appear to various individuals with messages from Her Son.
Prior to her death, Mary was very important in the Early Church. She was a source of unity for the Apostles and the persecuted Christians of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey).
After her death, She was equally important as a messenger and an icon of devotion. In particular, since the mid 1800s, Our Lady has appeared with alarming frequency:
- 1830 to Catherine Labouré in Paris
- 1846 in La Salette, France
- 1858 at Lourdes
- 1859 in Robinsonville, Wisconsin (!)
- 1866 in Flippsdorf, Czech Republic
- 1871 in Pontmain, France
- 1879 in Knock, Ireland
- 1888 in Castelpetroso, Italy
The most important appearance was in Fátima, Portugal in 1917, but that was the culmination of a shocking and unprecedented series of vetted and established apparitions. In the last 200 years, Our Lady has appeared, on average, once per decade with a message of God’s desire to show mercy to the repentant.
In many ways, Our Lady’s Assumption lays the groundwork for these messages. She did not raise herself and she does not come to preach her own message. Her Son raised Her and she comes to draw others to Him.
Mass Intentions for the Coming Week
- Sat 5:30p In memory of Pat Bullard, Patrick Thomas, and Eva and R.L. Reynolds/Bullard
- Sun 9:00a Pro Populo for the Living & Deceased Members of our Parish
- Tue 9:00a In memory of George Magoun/family
- Wed 5:30p Vigil of Assumption… In memory of Rosa and Gus Gremshell and May DiTomasso
- Thu 9:00a Holy Day...Assumption…In memory of Wayne Magoun/family – at Legacy Nursing Home
- Thu 5:30p Holy Day…Assumption … In memory of Leon Humphries
- Fri 5:30p In memory of Marie and John Johnson, Gertrude and Marion Roy, Alex Roy/Johnson
- Sat 5:30p In memory of Nettie and Phillip Scurria/family
- Sun 9:00a Pro Populo for the Living & Dead members of our Parish Family
ALTAR CANDLES this week are burning for the special intentions of MaryAnne Gilfoil
Assistants at Holy Mass
Date | Servers | Lector(s) | EMHCs |
8/10 5:30p | None Scheduled | A Farlow | L Magoun |
8/11 9:30a | Kathleen and Evelyn | B Sullivan | - |
8/17 5:30p | None Scheduled | MA Gilfoil | M Rome |
8/18 9:30a | Annie and Thomas Meyers | Youth | - |
8/24 5:30p | None Scheduled | M Rome | N Ernst |
8/15 9:30a | MaryKatherine & Courtland | K Collins | - |
Stewardship The gifts of God that the angel brought to Elijah–food, water, rest, and encouragement–were given, not for his own good alone, but to strengthen him for service. How am I using my gifts to serve others?
SECOND COLLECTION: To support the work at Maryhill Renewal Center, our Catholic Retreat Center in Pineville. See notes elsewhere in the bulletin.
Our Return to the Lord
Weekly Budget FY 2023-24 | $ 2,111 |
July Budget | $ 8,444 |
July Income | $ 8,801 |
July Expenses | tbd |
August Budget | $ 8,444 |
August 3-4 Collection | $ 1,866 |
July Income To Date | $ 8,801 |
Upcoming Events
- Confessions every Friday & Saturday from 5p until Mass and on Sunday from 9a until Mass
- Sunday Catechism with Coffee and Donuts after Mass unless otherwise indicated
- Wednesday Morning Catechism about 9:30 a.m in Church and on Facebook and YouTube
- Pastoral Council meeting monthly on the third Wednesday at 6p
- August 14 Memorial Service for Gail Gilfoil Graugnard - 11 a.m.
- Aug 14-15 Holy Day of Obligation - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Vigil Masson Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Mass of the day at 9 a.m. at Legacy and at 5:30 p.m. in church
- August 18 Third Quarter Social will be a Potluck Brunch in the Hall following Mass. See notes elsewhere in the bulletin.
For Your Information:
ROSARY GROUP… a group of parishioners is meeting on Monday at 5:30 p.m. to pray the Rosary. Everyone is invited to join the group. If you need additional information, please contact the Coordinator, Louise Magoun, at 318-341-2403.
FORMED.ORG… FORMED has an entire page of weekly featured videos that are worth checking out at Remember to sign in using our parish’s zip code (71282) at
THIRD QUARTER SOCIAL…On Sunday, August 18 following Mass, we will have a Potluck Brunch in the Church Hall for all parishioners and guests. Hope you will join us for the faith family event. Giving leadership to the event will be the Third Quarter (July, Aug, Sept) Social Committee - Shannon and Bart Wood and Betty and Kenny Smith, co-chairs, MaryKathryn Book, Kendra and Dave Collins, Connie and Dan Copes, Dana and Randy Dukes, Kaci and Norman Ernst, Lance and Stephenie Marsh, Peggy and Phil Scurria, Beth and Chip Sullivan
MARYHILL RENEW CENTER COLLECTION… This week we will take up a collection for Maryhill. Established in the 1940s by Bishop Charles Greco, Maryhill is used by many seeking a spiritual and restful place to hold retreats and functions throughout the year. It continues to serve as the spiritual heart of our Diocese. Funds from this collection will be used for the ongoing maintenance of the structures and grounds to keep Maryhill available to us. Please be prepared to give generously.
VICKSBURG CATHOLIC MOTHERS GROUP…… will be launching another exciting year! Join them Sunday August 25th at 5:30 pm in St. Paul's Glynn Hall (side entrance off of Walnut St.) for a kick-off event to celebrate this vibrant ministry focused on supporting moms in their vocation of family life. Whether you are newly returning to the faith or are a cradle Catholic looking for fellowship, there is a place here for you. See you there! You may reach them at or on Facebook at Vicksburg Catholic Moms Group. Leaders are Brittany Fall and Kathleen.
CONGRATULATIONS… to our faith family members, Enrique and Mariza Paz, on the birth of their son, Angel Ozziel Paz, on July 15, 2024 at St Francis Hospital in Monroe. Welcoming the new baby are big brothers, Gabriél and Maxmillian, and sister, Valeria.
MEMORIAL SERVICE…. for GAIL GILFOIL GRAUGNARD who passed away earlier in July. A Memorial Service will be held at St. Edward the Confessor on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 11 a.m. Our parishioners, Pat Gilfoil and Johnny Gilfoil, are Gail’s brothers and cousins in our faith family include Angel Farlow, Sharyn Marsh, and Cathy VanderVieren. We will be hosting lunch for the family following the service. Betty Smith is giving leadership to that activity and should be contacted if you wish to assist..
In Our Daily Prayers…
Please let us know of anyone who is ill or hospitalized and would like to receive a visit from Father. Also, help us keep our prayer list up to date by advising us of those who should be added or removed.
Our Pope, Francis; our Bishop, Robert Marshall; and our Diocesan leaders, our President, Governor, Mayor and national, state and local elected representatives
Our parishioners who are sick, shut-in, under full-time care and for those who care for them, and for those otherwise in need of our prayers: MaryKathryn & Nap Book, Connie & Dan Copes, Elizabeth Crothers, Leslye Ellerbee, Susan & Johnny Gilfoil, Margaret & Pat Gilfoil, Terry Farlow Hall, C.W. & Alyce Keene, Frances & Bill Kennedy, Hannah McCarty, Ed Mills, Terry & Susie Murphy, Bobby Reynolds, Mike & Sue Rome
Our friends and relatives who need our prayers: Lee Adams (Smith), Ashley Alexander (Regan), Graham Allen (S Gilfoil), Kathryn Wood Allsopp (D Wood), Pam Amacker (Gilfoil), Marie Farlow Bellard, Tommy Bickham (C Copes), Kay Boolos (S Gilfoil), Dick & Sue Boyd (S Gilfoil), Chris Breard (Gilfoil), David Cagnolatti, Willetta and Mac Cagnolatti, Sarah Cannon (Gilfoil), Fran Castile (Keene), Jeannie & Donald Collins, Teresa Carney Condra, Jami Cook (Wilks), Bobbe & Gene Cox, Marla Evans Cummings, Carol Dipert (Rome), Mac Donaldson (Ellerbee), Joe Farlow, Mike Farlow, Patty Farlow, Monique Florence, Jimmy Fordham (Gustafson & Fordice), Judy Fortenberry, April Franklin (Wilks), Thom Gilfoil, Wyly Gilfoil (Gilfoil), LaVonne Givens, Charlotte Green, Theresa Gunter, Rita Hargrave, Ralph Harris (Gilfoil), Arlice Evans Headley, Evie Hilburn (Lancaster), Charles Howington, Will Irby (P Gilfoil), Diane Johnson, Chelsea Keene & Andrew Lewis, Carla Leese (S Gilfoil), Emery and Kale Kirkland (Gilfoil), Lynn Lisonbee, LaLa Lopez (Hernandez), Caroline Marcello (Watts), James Albert Martin, Ruth McDonald (Copes), Michelle McGuire(Gilfoil), Kiely McKellar (S Gilfoil), Mona Martin (MA Gilfoil), Boyce Miller, Vickie Morelli (Ernst), John Neill, family of Caryn Oliver, Wayne Pitre (Gilfoil), Bailey, Scott and Tiffney Rome, Dianne Roper (Murphy), Janie Saxon (Lancaster), Debbie Kedrick Sims, Gannon Sims, Robbie Sims, Keri Post, Tommy Trichell, LeeAnn Rome Tranchina (Rome), Mary Claire Warner and her parents, MaryBeth and Steve, Randy Watts, Jr.
Our collegiates: Aidan Collins, Preston Collins, Henry Ellerbee, Callie Ezell, Lilly Falgout, Jag Gilfoil, Bruen Johnson, Matilda Johnson, Caroline Marsh, Emmy Lu Marsh, Charlize Richardson, Blake Sullivan, Carter Sullivan, Walker Sullivan, Chandler Wood, Marsh Wood
Our sympathy is extended to our parishioners, Alyce and C.W. Keene, as Alyce’s father, Calvin “Beans” Lisonbee died on Wednesday. His services were on Saturday at Willow Bayou Baptist Church.
PRAYER FOR HURRICANE SEASON...Our Father in Heaven through the intercession of our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during the Hurricane Season from all harm. Protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hastened to help us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen