The Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

From The Font

"Jesus... broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims.”

In the Old Testament, being right with God was like being on the winning side in Civil court. It wasn’t about your heart, it was about what you did. Did you obey the law? If so, then you’re good with the Lord.

In Jesus, the Law of Moses (with its commandments and legal claims) is no longer binding. Now, Jesus tells us, being right with God is like being on the right side in Criminal court... Being right with God is less about doing the right thing and more about having the right intentions... You still need to be trying to do the right thing, but what’s happening in the heart and mind matter more than how circumstances happen to play out.

This image of the courtroom is actually more relevant than we might realize. Most modern people would assume themselves to be more innocent than guilty - which is dead wrong. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and so all of us are at the defendants’ table whether we realize it or not. In the Old Testament way of thinking, the law of Moses is what judges us. That’s troublesome because laws don’t really deal in forgiveness. And laws like the Law of Moses don’t deal in statutes of limitations, either. In the New Testament way of thinking, the Lord Jesus judges us, but He judges us with love, mercy, and forgiveness. At least He does if we ask Him to...

This is how we can understand what it means when St Paul talks about the law being abolished. In one sense, the law remains. We still talk about the 10 Commandments and we read the Old Testament. But the authority of those to judge us as if we were at the respondents’ table in civil court is dissolved.

And so the Lord Jesus abolishes the authority of the Old Law but retains its principles and wisdom. And this lines us with the attitude of Jesus in the Gospel where He responds to the desperation of the people by teaching them. St Mark says it like this: “His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.”

Thoughts from Fr. Ryan

This Friday is the feast of Ss. Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandparents of Jesus and so it is the patronal feast day of grandparents!

So Happy Grandparents Feast Day!

I don’t think any of us could’ve realized 25 years ago how important grandparents would become in our culture. Many, many grandparents have found themselves parenting their grandkids. Many others have found themselves as the primary day-care service for their grandkids. And even those who are off the hook for regular care are absolutely essential in providing context and perspective in a world increasingly trapped in front of a tiny digital rectangle.

I saw a post on the internet a while back that said “Millennials having a childhood without social media feels like we all got the last chopper out of nam.” I’m not a Millennial, but I resonate strongly with this sentiment. I certainly grew up in front of the TV and later the computer monitor, but my childhood seems positively feral compared to the digital umbilical to which modern kids are attached!

The nuclear family can’t help but exist in a bit of a bubble, especially as the world has become so hurried. Grandparents are such an important window out of that bubble. They provide alternate points of view, differing perspectives, contrary ways of thinking, and a bit of fresh air that nuclear families need, whether they realize it or not.

Grandparents also help to ground parents in their own humanity. The grands remember... They remember that time in high school. They remember that thing with the car. They know what those report cards looked like and they are happy to tell those stories to the grandkids if needs be! Don’t underestimate how important that is for parents, especially parents with teenagers!

The other thing that grandparents do which I want to highlight and praise is apply their wisdom to the present age... Grandparents, you are teaching all of us how to make sense of now. And while previous generations have done this for previous generations, you and only you can do it for us now. Certainly, we could say this of all people of AARP age... But grandparents do something special because there are people looking! You’re not really able to embrace the life of the old curmudgeon. Your adult kids and your grandkids are going to hassle you and learn from you whether you like it or not - whether your example is good or bad.

As such, grandparents need our prayers and they need special patrons who are undoubtedly sympathetic to the plights of the modern family. Remember that before her wedding, Mary was found to be with child... That’s not good in a culture where that can get you stoned to death. Mary went on to go as hard to the other end of the spectrum as you can and gave birth to the Messiah. It’s hard to imagine that Joachim and Anne won’t be ready for any prayer you throw at them!

Mass Intentions for the Coming Week

  • Sat 5:30p In memory of E. J. “Jim” Jumonville/family
  • Sun 9:00a Pro Populo for the Living & Deceased Members of our Parish
  • Mon NO MASS
  • Tue 9:00a In memory of Jackson Jumonville (birth)/family
  • Wed 9:00a In memory of Nettie and Phillip Scurria/family
  • Thurs 9:00a In memory of Rosa and Gus Gremshell and May DiTomasso
  • Fri 5:30p In memory of deceased members of the Bullard family/Libby
  • Sat 5:30p In memory of Payton Trichell/family
  • Sun 9:00a Pro Populo for the Living & Dead members of our Parish Family

ALTAR CANDLES this week are burning for the special intentions of Cathy VanderVieren

FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given this weekend in memory of Jack Ellerbee by his family

Assistants at Holy Mass

Date Servers Lector(s) EMHCs
7/20 5:30p None Scheduled L Bullard C VanderVieren
7/21 9:30a Annie and volunteer Youth-MaryKatherine -
7/27 5:30p None Scheduled MK Book A Keene
7/28 9:30a MaryKatherine and Courtland S Marsh -
8/3 5:30p None Scheduled L Bullard M Ernst
8/4 9:30a Cooper and Maura A Oliver -

Stewardship In today’s Gospel, Jesus had planned to slip away from the crowds for a few moments of peace and a little rest. When He saw the people gathered, however, He put His needs aside to meet the needs of others. Sometimes, as good stewards, we are called to do the same.

Our Return to the Lord

Weekly Budget FY 2022-23 $ 2,111
June Budget $ 10,555
June Income $ 11,651
June Expenses $ 10,913
July Budget $ 8,444
July 13-14 Collection $ 1,798
July Income To Date $ 3,875

Upcoming Events

  • Confessions every Friday & Saturday from 5p until Mass and on Sunday from 9a until Mass
  • Sunday Catechism with Coffee and Donuts after Mass unless otherwise indicated
  • Wednesday Morning Catechism about 9:30 a.m in Church and on Facebook and YouTube
  • Pastoral Council meeting monthly on the third Wednesday at 6p
  • August 18 Third Quarter Social will be a Potluck Brunch in the Hall following Mass. See notes elsewhere in the bulletin.

For Your Information:

ROSARY GROUP… a group of parishioners is meeting on Monday at 5:30 p.m. to pray the Rosary. Everyone is invited to join the group. If you need additional information, please contact the Coordinator, Louise Magoun, at 318-341-2403.

FORMED.ORG… FORMED has an entire page of weekly featured videos that are worth checking out at Remember to sign in using our parish’s zip code (71282) at

THIRD QUARTER SOCIAL…On Sunday, August 18 following Mass, we will have a Potluck Brunch in the Church Hall for all parishioners and guests. Hope you will join us for the faith family event. Giving leadership to the event will be the Third Quarter (July, Aug, Sept) Social Committee - Shannon and Bart Wood and Betty and Kenny Smith, co-chairs, MaryKathryn Book, Kendra and Dave Collins, Connie and Dan Copes, Dana and Randy Dukes, Kaci and Norman Ernst, Lance and Stephenie Marsh, Peggy and Phil Scurria, Beth and Chip Sullivan

Let us Rejoice in the Lord!

Happy Birthday Kendra Collins (July 21), Preston Collins (July 22), Nap Book (July 26)

Happy Anniversary Renee and Robert Wood (July 30)

In Our Daily Prayers…

Please let us know of anyone who is ill or hospitalized and would like to receive a visit from Father. Also, help us keep our prayer list up to date by advising us of those who should be added or removed.

Our Pope, Francis; our Bishop, Robert Marshall; and our Diocesan leaders, our President, Governor, Mayor and national, state and local elected representatives

Our parishioners who are sick, shut-in, under full-time care and for those who care for them, and for those otherwise in need of our prayers: MaryKathryn & Nap Book, Connie & Dan Copes, Elizabeth Crothers, Leslye Ellerbee, Susan & Johnny Gilfoil, Margaret & Pat Gilfoil, Terry Farlow Hall, C.W. & Alyce Keene, Frances & Bill Kennedy, Hannah McCarty, Ed Mills, Terry & Susie Murphy, Bobby Reynolds, Mike & Sue Rome

Our friends and relatives who need our prayers: Lee Adams (Smith), Ashley Alexander (Regan), Graham Allen (S Gilfoil), Kathryn Wood Allsopp (D Wood), Pam Amacker (Gilfoil), James Arceneaux (Book), Marie Farlow Bellard, Tommy Bickham (C Copes), Kay Boolos (S Gilfoil), Dick & Sue Boyd (S Gilfoil), Chris Breard (Gilfoil), David Cagnolatti, Willetta and Mac Cagnolatti, Sarah Cannon (Gilfoil), Fran Castile (Keene), Jeannie & Donald Collins, Teresa Carney Condra, Jami Cook (Wilks), Bobbe & Gene Cox, Marla Evans Cummings, Carol Dipert (Rome), Mac Donaldson (Ellerbee), Joe Farlow, Mike Farlow, Patty Farlow, Monique Florence, Jimmy Fordham (Gustafson & Fordice), Judy Fortenberry, April Franklin (Wilks), Thom Gilfoil, Wyly Gilfoil (Gilfoil), LaVonne Givens, Gail Gilfoil Graugnard, Charlotte Green, Theresa Gunter, Rita Hargrave, Ralph Harris (Gilfoil), Arlice Evans Headley, Evie Hilburn (Lancaster), Charles Howington, Will Irby (P Gilfoil), Diane Johnson, Chelsea Keene & Andrew Lewis, Carla Leese (S Gilfoil), Emery and Kale Kirkland (Gilfoil), Calvin “Beans” & Lynn Lisonbee, LaLa Lopez (Hernandez), Caroline Marcello (Watts), James Albert Martin, Ruth McDonald (Copes), Michelle McGuire(Gilfoil), Kiely McKellar (S Gilfoil), Mona Martin (MA Gilfoil), Boyce Miller, Vickie Morelli (Ernst), John Neill, family of Caryn Oliver, Wayne Pitre (Gilfoil), Bailey, Scott and Tiffney Rome, Dianne Roper (Murphy), Janie Saxon (Lancaster), Debbie Kedrick Sims, Gannon Sims, Robbie Sims, Keri Post, Tommy Trichell, LeeAnn Rome Tranchina (Rome), Mary Claire Warner and her parents, MaryBeth and Steve, Randy Watts, Jr.

Our collegiates: Aidan Collins, Preston Collins, Henry Ellerbee, Callie Ezell, Lilly Falgout, Jag Gilfoil, Bruen Johnson, Matilda Johnson, Caroline Marsh, Emmy Lu Marsh, Charlize Richardson, Blake Sullivan, Carter Sullivan, Walker Sullivan, Chandler Wood, Marsh Wood

PRAYER FOR HURRICANE SEASON... Our Father in Heaven through the intercession of our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during the Hurricane Season from all harm. Protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hastened to help us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


The Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time


The Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time